How Nutritional Cleansing can Help you


We eat well, we exercise, we practice yoga…but why are we so tired? Why do
we struggle with food cravings? Why is our energy so low? And why can we never seem to get rid of that extra fat around our middle?

The answer is because we are TOXIC.  […]

2021-04-03T21:55:04-07:00September 15th, 2014|Categories: Information|

Why do yoga anyway?

Why would someone do yoga? Why do YOU do yoga?

There is a long list of reasons as to why someone may take up doing yoga and then continue doing it.  All the ones you might expect like reduced stress, increased flexibility, improved strength, inner peace, […]

2021-04-03T21:55:23-07:00August 4th, 2014|Categories: Information|

A State of Gratitude

How you feel is always a choice.

When you are stuck in the lower energies of fear, anxiety, despair, sadness, etc., choose to move into gratitude and you will immediately feel better. These lower energies cannot survive when you are in […]

2021-04-03T21:55:27-07:00July 28th, 2014|Categories: Information, Videos|

How to Keep Doing Yoga, despite your kids bugging you

So here in British Columbia, the summer has already begun. The teachers are on strike and the kids are all at home, in daycares, etc.  If you don’t live in BC, summer will be starting in a week and a half anyway, as we […]

2021-04-03T21:55:36-07:00June 17th, 2014|Categories: Information|
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