Sit Smarter with Yoga
(Reprinted from CNN)
You’ve probably heard that “sitting is the new smoking.” Not only does it lead to aches and pains, edema, varicose veins, sciatica and more — according to a new study, too much sitting can actually kill you.
Unlike smoking, however, we can’t […]
Chest Stretch at the Wall
Try this chest stretch using a wall in your office, filing cabinet, doorway, etc to instantly stretch tight chest and shoulder muscles and improve posture.
Amazing Chest Stretch
Try this 2 minute Chest Stretch right now, right in your chair, to stretch your chest and shoulders and reduce upper body tension.
How Nutritional Cleansing can Help you
We eat well, we exercise, we practice yoga…but why are we so tired? Why do
we struggle with food cravings? Why is our energy so low? And why can we never seem to get rid of that extra fat around our middle?
The answer is because we are TOXIC. […]
Yoga for People who Don’t Do Yoga
Ever thought about starting yoga but talked yourself out of it?
Check out this 10 step guide to starting a yoga practice.
Happy Neck, Happy Shoulders
Try this short 3 minute video series for your neck and shoulders to relieve tension and stress while sitting at your desk.