Try this 15 minute Yoga Routine

Too busy for yoga over the holidays? Try this short 15 minute yoga routine for quick and effective results.

We recommend doing it first thing in the morning before your day gets away on you.


2016-09-18T15:23:24-07:00December 22nd, 2015|Categories: Information|

How about “No-No-No” instead of “Ho-Ho-Ho”

We’ve all said yes a few too many times and over committed to things. And we’ve all said no, then felt guilty and selfish. This holidaynostree season, why not strike a balance? But what does that even mean anyway? It means being honest and […]

2021-04-03T21:54:55-07:00December 3rd, 2015|Categories: Information|

Texting Neck should NOT be a thing

Yes, the world has gone high-tech. And yes, texting neck (AKA “Anterior Head Syndrome”) is a real thing.

Hazard of textingIf we’re not on our computers or laptops, we’re on our ipads, ipods or another device for […]

2021-04-03T21:54:56-07:00August 24th, 2015|Categories: News|Tags: , |

Find Freedom in Taking Flight

Arm Balances:
They’re one of those things that for most non yogis or beginner yogis are elusive, scary and part of the “Yeah right, I don’t think so” club. I remember the first time I ever took flight in Bakasana (Crow pose) – knees […]

2021-04-03T21:54:57-07:00March 2nd, 2015|Categories: Information|

Thoughts Become Things

Thoughts Become ThingsOur thoughts become things.   If we don’t watch our thoughts, we will attract all sorts of things we don’t want. If you struggle with this, I give a tip that will really help you to focus your mind.

2021-04-03T21:54:57-07:00February 23rd, 2015|Categories: Videos|

Sit Smarter with Yoga

(Reprinted from CNN)

You’ve probably heard that “sitting is the new smoking.” Not only does it lead to aches and pains, edema, varicose veins, sciatica and more — according to a new study, too much sitting can actually kill you.

Unlike smoking, however, we can’t […]

2021-04-03T21:54:59-07:00January 28th, 2015|Categories: Information, News|

Leg Energizer Series

Leg Energizer Series
This short video will show you to energize and strengthen your legs and give your whole body energy for the day.


2021-04-03T21:55:00-07:00January 12th, 2015|Categories: Videos|

7 Ways to Keep Stress out of your Holiday Plans


‘Tis the season for merriness, cheerfulness, joy and peace.

The season of sweet treats, shopping blitzes and extra activities.

This time of year is about celebrating, enjoying and living it up, but it can be stressful rushing from place to place, trying to get everything […]

2021-04-03T21:55:00-07:00December 15th, 2014|Categories: Information, News|
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