The world could use a little more love & kindness right now- agreed?

This month discover a way to cultivate more love & kindness inside and around you with a specific meditation.

Lynn Roberts, CEO of Innergy Corporate Yoga, is offering a FREE Love & Kindness Mediation on Thursday, September 16th @ 2 pm PST/ 5pm EST on Facebook Live.

Read along to discover the why’s and how’s of this powerful practice; it might be just what you need today!

Meaning & Benefits

Loving-kindness meditation is known by its Pali name, metta bhavana, where metta means “love,” and bhavana means “cultivation”.

This popular self-care technique can be used to reduce stress and boost well-being.

A regular practice of loving kindness will help you increase your capacity for forgiveness, connection to others and self-acceptance.

This meditation will guide you to generate kind intentions towards certain targets, including yourself and others.

1. Set aside Time & Space

Meditation doesn’t happen on its own, therefore you will need to carve out time to practice.

This can be anytime, but should be in a space clear of distractions and one that is quiet and comfortable.

Find a seated position where you can find stillness. You may use aids such as a pillow to sit on or if more comfortable, you can lie down.

Whatever position you choose, ensure your spine is long and you are able to take full, smooth inhales & long, deep exhales.

2. Focus on a Feeling of Inner Love & Kindness

Imagine yourself filled physically and emotionally with inner peace.

These feelings might be of a perfect love for yourself, a knowing that you are just right as you are or thanking yourself for all you are.

Imagine you are breathing in feelings of love and breathing out feelings of tension.

Bask in these feelings of warmth and self-compassion for a few moments. When your attention drifts, redirect it back to these feelings of loving kindness.

3. Repeat Phrases of Love & Kindness

Begin by focusing on yourself by repeating:

May I be filled with lovingkindness.
May I be safe from inner and outer dangers.
May I be well in body and mind.
May I be at ease and happy.

Then direct your energy towards your circle of friends & family repeating:

May all beings be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously.
May all living beings be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously.
May all breathing beings be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously.
May all individuals be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously.
May all beings in existence be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously.

4. Carry these Feelings

Now that you have completed your Loving Kindness Meditation, you can keep what you have cultivated close to your heart and share it with the world.

To continue your journey with meditation, follow these steps daily as you add to your inner peace, find more self love and share it with the world.