Meditation makes you a better leader

Here are eight ways meditation improves leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The end to our global situation is not in sight yet.

Your staff may be worried about their health & the health of their family.

They may fear losing their own job or worry about their mental resilience during these uncertain times.

Your team may also be concerned about their finances and even the state of our global economy.

And what does all of this mean for our planet’s future?

Meditation is a Tool

There have been many changes due to COVID-19.

Now more than ever, meditation is a powerful tool.

It’s something you and your team can use to support you during these unpredictable times.

Your team will be looking to you now more than ever for guidance & support if you are in a leadership or management position with your company.

A Powerful Secret Weapon

Leaders around the world have been meditating for years.

Meditation is a centuries old powerful secret weapon.

It can help support you in your leadership role with your own team.

Eight Tips for You

Here are eight ways that the simple practice of meditation can help you to become a better leader for your team during the world pandemic:

  1. Controlling Anxiety – Experts have known for years that meditation helps curb anxiety.This is one of the most valuable benefits of meditation. When anxious thoughts occur, the practice of meditation will allow you to take a step back & watch your thoughts without becoming attached. It will help you to make better choices overall for both you & your team as well as your organization or company.
  2. Inner Wisdom – Most people are very reactive. When something happens to upset them or when life throws them a curve ball, they immediately react emotionally. Meditation gives you the power to understand that just because there’s been a change, we don’t need to necessarily react or take an action right away. People who meditate regularly report feeling more of a sense of inner peace & wisdom, allowing them to make fewer emotionally charged decisions. Your teammates will notice & respect this change in you.
  3. Building Resilience – We all experience stress; it’s how we react to stress that determines how we are affected by it. Meditation may help you to become more resilient because it teaches you to not react as strongly to stress. This builds your mental as well as physical resiliency, improving immune function & overall general health. A more resilient leader is a better leader.

Corporate Meditation group on Zoom

  • Enhancing Self-Awareness – Meditation is one of the best & fastest ways to improve self-awareness. Meditation can help you to keep your composure & reduce the overall impact of stress. The ability to “watch yourself” will lead to a deeper and more profound sense of self-awareness. This will naturally lead to you being a better leader for your team.
  • Sharpening Attention – Experts have known for years that meditation helps improve concentration, focus & even memory. Our human minds are well known for “wandering” frequently throughout the day, but with a regular meditation practice, you can curb distractions & strengthen your ability to focus. Your team members will receive a higher level of leadership from you.
  • Breaking Unproductive Thought Patterns – We tend to either be in the past or future and very rarely just in the present moment. We cannot change the past and we cannot predict or fully control the future. Those who meditate have an easier time coming back to the present moment and breaking unproductive thought patterns from the past or future. This will assist you with helping your team members to also reflect less on the past and worry less about the future.
  • Cultivating Emotional Intelligence – A lack of emotional intelligence can lead to rushed decisions that lack logic and a lack of empathy for what others may be going through. People who meditate have a higher level of control over their emotions and are less likely to react impulsively to emotionally charged situations. Decisions are instead made from a higher level & a place of calm.
  • Enhanced Creativity – People who meditate often report feelings of clarity, followed by a burst of inspiration and creativity. Often we see what was always there when we clear the clutter and allow the dust to settle. That is the answer for what we need to do next without all of the extras we pile on top – worry, stress, etc. You may just find yourself in a position of enhanced creativity if you regularly meditate. You will be able to better support your team with more creative solutions that arise.
  • Those are our eight ways meditation improves leadership.

    Tips to Get Started with Meditation:

    • Start small if you’re looking to develop a meditation practice. Even just 5-10 minutes a day can make a big difference.
    • Meditate first thing in the morning before your day gets going whenever possible. Do it before your home gets noisy with others waking up. Other people like to meditate at lunch time or before bed. The more you make it a regular habit the easier it will be.
    • Don’t beat yourself up if you’re “not good at it”. Meditation doesn’t come easily to most people. Let go of the judgment and just give it a try.
    • There is no one right way to meditate. If you find you can’t sit comfortably on the floor, meditate in a chair or even sitting up or lying down in your bed.
    • If you are still struggling to get started, you can have someone teach you meditation or learn it from an app (like Headspace). These can be excellent ways to a start a meditation practice.

    We hope you enjoyed our article “Eight Ways Meditation Improves Leadership” and we hope this helps you to serve your team in many ways.

    If you’re interested in bringing meditation to your corporate team or learning it in a more private setting one-one-on, get in touch with us to see how we can help.