The life of a busy professional sometimes seems like all work and no play but there is a sweet spot of balance. In today’s article we will dive into five easy ways to remain grounded throughout your day at work and during your commute.


1.Remain mindful during your commute.

Your commute is most likely one of the only times in your day where you’re outside in the “real world”. Two ways that you can take advantage of this spare time is by walking or biking to work whenever possible. If you must drive then try opening your windows to let in the breeze and the noises around you. It might surprise you once you realize how much of your day you spend in traffic in your own little bubble.


2. Take some deep breaths

This isn’t anything new but it’s cliché because it works. One of the easiest ways to ensure that you allot yourself this time to breathe and be present is to set an alarm. That’s right; actually schedule it into your day! Your breathing sessions could be as simple as taking three conscious breaths every two hours.


3. Take out your headphones

If you’re someone who works with your headphones in or music playing, try working in silence for a few minutes each day. Sometimes music can start to overload our brains and the music becomes more like white noise to distract us from out thoughts. Just like tip number one, by removing your headphones and becoming more present in the actual moment you might realize how much of your life you’re actually missing.


4. Go outside for lunch

This is very straightforward but if you usually eat in the lunchroom, take your lunch outside to a bench to regain touch with the rest of the world. Avoid headphones and other distractions that take away from the moment. If you live somewhere wet or cold then you could even try going for a quick walk around the block at lunch instead.


5. Schedule in an exercise break

There are so many ways to go about this and each way has benefits for different people. If you are someone short on time you could try something small like walking up and down a flight of stairs. If you’ve got a little more time you could opt for a variation of tip number four, go for a walk around the block. If you’re lucky enough to have a company that allows for it, you could even schedule in an actual exercise class for the whole office. If you don’t mind a biased opinion, we’d recommend signing up for some corporate yoga classes!


At the end of the day we all want a deeper connection with the world around us and these are just a handful of ways to achieve that. Remember to be present, breathe and exercise.