You’re probably hearing this word a lot these days! Mindfulness. What is this exactly?

Mindfulness is simply awareness.  Present, moment to moment awareness of you and your surroundings. Practicing mindfulness daily gives you access and the ability to manage your emotions and your surroundings in a healthy way.

We now know that mindfulness practices affect a person’s physiological makeup; mindfulness practices reduce stress, anxiety, and have even be shown to lower blood pressure. It has many other benefits too – mindfulness practices improve memory, concentration and can improve overall well being, which translates into how we interact with others.

So how can we bring mindfulness into our workplace? How can we foster this culture of overall well being?  Here are three ways you can easily incorporate mindfulness into your day at work today!

  1. Practice the pause.  Do you hear your phone ring? Pause, identify the sound, hear the sound, be present with the sound before you answer.
  2. Listen wholeheartedly. Give your colleague your undivided attention when speaking, whether it’s at the water cooler or in the boardroom.  Put down anything you are holding in your hands, meet their gaze and truly hear what they have to say.
  3. Walk consciously. Observe your body closely as you move about your day. Notice your feet on the ground, notice the muscles that contract as you walk. Observe your breath, the physical sensations and the sounds associated with your breath and movement.

You can start right now! Close your eyes, feel what you are connected to  – your seat, the ground.  What do you hear? Take a deep breath in.