If you are like me, part magpie, you adore shiny things. Everyone can relate to the idea of this kind of adoration. You walk down the street and longingly gaze into a window display at a pair of shoes, or a car, or an attractive potential suitor. You might feel a little pang in your heart or your gut that says: ‘you must have this thing’ or ‘WOW so pretty! – but I could never have that!’
Take a few moments when you get this ‘pang’ of inspiration – which is what it really is. It is a physiological response of passion and a stimulation of your inner senses. Take a moment to really feel that response. Try not to act immediately in any direction – but rather allow yourself to feel adoration and desire. Tune into your body, tune into your breathing – what are you feeling? Why are you feeling this way? Have you spotted something you need, or will make you feel like a whole person if you possess it? Likely, the answer is no. But, in that moment, you allowed yourself to be inspired. You felt – even for a fleeting moment, a passionate desire.
Allowing yourself to be inspired and know your gut instincts is so very important. It is what will help direct our life’s path. Finding things of beauty around you is a lesson in appreciation and discernment. Next time you walk down the street and your eye catches something shiny, let yourself appreciate that beauty. Perhaps your heart might say – ‘I am content to admire and walk away’ or perhaps it will say ‘time to take action!’