Cold and flu season is here again. If you’ve been hit by a virus – take it easy in your yoga practice. You may find it beneficial to spend time practicing slowly and methodically – or simply change your practice all together and focus on meditation or pranayama.

If you enjoy essential oils – try incorporating them into this practice!! Do some investigation to determine which oils are best suited to you and your needs. But, if you are suffering from congestion, try eucalyptus or rosemary oils in a diffuser next to you as you practice.  Create your own blends by adding lavender, ginger, cedar wood or peppermint to help lift your mood too. If you are so inclined, you can even put these oils in a carrier like grapeseed or sesame seed oil for a little self massage before reclining into your Shavasana.  Give yourself an entire practice that revolves around self care.

Remember yoga is a disciplined practice. But it requires a healthy and strong body and mind. If the body is suffering – the mind will suffer. So love your body and give it the time and remedies it needs to heal. Forcing an athletic asana practice does not constitute self love or respect. So pamper yourself if you need to, with a little tenderness and some nice essential oils and massage.