I love coffee. I’d like to say it’s not a habit, but… Coffee is a part of my daily ritual – I turn on a pot before I shower and take my yoga practice – then it’s ready like a treat when I’m finished. I have two cups of java every morning. Cream, no sugar. It perks me up, makes me bouncy and works its magic on my digestion. Conversely, sometimes I over bounce, get shaky & scatter brained and often have dragon breath. Sound familiar?

The literature is many sided on coffee. Safe and healthy in moderation, versus bad, dehydrating, leaching nutrients and making you crash HARD by the afternoon. So what to do?? While the winter looms over – I shall resole this very moment to go an entire month without coffee. Will it clear my brain? What will satiate the cravings? Will I feel stronger, more flexible and less irritable? Will I be more focused in my daily life?

I will let you know my findings. But I encourage you to share your stories with us. What have you found eases your morning ritual and perks you up? What will your New Years Resolution be? Place your comments on our Facebook Page and let the Innergy Corporate Yoga community support you!