When you’re short on time for yoga and know your whole day is going to be nuts, but you can spare 20-30 minutes in the morning, try this routine (or part of it), which I did at 5:45 am this morning…

(1) Child’s Pose – Kneel, then place your forehead on the floor, arms stretched out in front of you. Spread your fingers and reach your arms forward. Draw your shoulders onto your back and lift your elbows off the floor. Breathe deeply in and out. (This is a great reset for your spine.)

(2) Side Stretch – In Child’s Pose, walk both hands over to the right for three breaths until you feel a stretch in your left armpit area, then over to the left for three breaths. (Stretches sides of your ribs and hips).

(3) Downward Facing Dog – Come up into Down Dog. Walk the dog by slowly and gently lifting one heel, then the other. Get grounded – spread your toes and fingers. Open your shoulders out away from your ears. Press your front thighs back and lengthen the front of your body. Shake your head yes and then no to completely relax your neck.

(4) Low Lunge – Step your right foot forward into low lunge, back knee off the floor if you can. Draw your belly and pelvic floor up an in. Hold for 3 breaths, then lower back knee. As you inhale, reach your arms up overhead, and as you exhale place both hands on your front thigh. Breathe deeply as your relax your shoulders and stretch your hips forward. Stay for 3-5 breaths. Then, place your hands on the floor, and keeping your hips pressed forward, completely relax your head and neck. Breathe.

(5) Half Splits – Press your hips back until your front leg is straight. Lengthen your spine and fold forward over your front leg. If there is more space, walk your front foot a bit more forward. You can bend your front leg if you need to. Stay for 3-5 breaths.

(6) IT Band Stretch – Tuck back toes under and lift your back knee off the ground. Walk your front (right) foot to the left side of your mat.  Your back foot should be about 1-2 feet behind your front foot, in the centre of your mat. Walk both hands to the outer right leg and fold forward over the outside of your right leg. (This is an amazing IT band stretch -great for runners.) Stay for 3 breaths, then step back into Down Dog.

(7) Repeat – Repeat entire sequence on other side, finishing again in Down Dog.

(8) Shoulder/Neck Stretch – Come to your knees. Stretch your right arm out to the side and lean your head to the left. Press your right shoulder down. Stay for 6-8 breaths. Focus on softening and letting go on each exhale. Repeat on the other side.

(9) Two Knee Twist – Lie on your back and let both knees come to the right side as you look to the left, then switch sides. 3-5 deep breaths on each side.

(10) Savasana (Relaxation) – Lie on your back for 3-5 minutes and completely relax.

I guarantee that if you do this in the morning you will feel amazing before you start your day! After I finished this routine and had a shower I was starving. I had my morning shake and was totally awake, full of energy and ready to go.

What do you do in the morning to get going and wake up?

Lynn Roberts
Director of Operations