You sure can. But how?  As per the Yoga Sutras, all it takes is discipline.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are a collection of verses (said to be approximately 1700 years old) on the theory and the practice of yoga.  Patanjali describes discipline as ‘abhyasa’, a Sanskrit word that means ‘to apply oneself’.  If we were to hold this as truth, then everything we do is a part of our practice.  Practice is not always about achieving success as an end result; it’s about the journey or the transformation and your steadfast commitment to that.

Here’s something about discipline. It’s often viewed as negative and discipline often feels like you give something up in order to have something else. But in the truest form of abhyasa, it is neither of these things. Abhyasa is in fact, freedom.

So how can you experience the kind of freedom you experience on your mat after you move back out into your world? Here are some suggestions:

-Slow down.

-Do one thing at a time.

-Commit to what is truly possible and release yourself from any expectations that you have placed upon yourself.

-Ask for help.

-Breathe purposefully.

Abhyasa (or applying oneself) is all you need to take your practice off of your mat and make it relevant to your day to day living.

Discipline is the path to freedom.