Yoga Improves Sex
Say what?

Yes, we said it – yoga can make sex more enjoyable, it can raise your sex drive (significantly) AND it can make you have better orgasms.

But we aren’t supposed to talk about these things… right? RUBBISH, we say!

A healthy sex life is important and a right that everyone should enjoy (if they want to).

So what does yoga have to do with sex? Well, as it turns out, a lot.

Here are 5 ways that yoga can boost your sex life…

1. Yoga can bring more awareness to how you FEEL in your body. Yoga is all about getting out of your head and into your body.  When you do yoga, you move into “feeling” sensations within your body. Not only do you strengthen your muscles and improve flexibility, but you also begin to notice subtle sensations in various parts of your body. And you’ll become more confident in how you feel in your body, boosting self esteem, which is a great thing to have in the bedroom.

2. Yoga brings sensation to the pelvic floor area. A big part of yoga is something we call “bandhas”.  Bandhas are energy locks within the body. There are a few of these, but one of the main ones is called “mula bandha” and it’s located in the pelvic floor area.  When we do yoga, we gently squeeze this area as we move in and out of poses, to help lock in the breath.   This strengthened muscle can increase sensation during intercourse as well as give you better orgasms.

3.Yoga gives you more energy overall.   Just doing yoga will boost your overall energy, giving you stamina in the bedroom. It will also help you to relax at bedtime and sleep more soundly, which of course leads to more energy during the day.

4.Yoga increases flexibility. And a flexible body can move in ways a non-flexible body cannot move in the bedroom, opening the door for more enjoyment and playfulness.

5.Yoga decreases anxiety.   Anxiety makes life not very fun and can completely zap your sex drive by creating a lot of physical tension.   When you release that tension, you feel more relaxed and are more likely to want to be in the bedroom with your partner.

So there you have it – who knew yoga had so many benefits, including a better sex life?