Take 5 to Innergize

3 Breaths with Arms (Standing)

3 Breaths with Arms (Standing)


Improves posture, increases energy, decreases stress, increases circulation and blood flow to heart and lungs, decreases tension in chest, arms, neck, shoulders and back, reduces fatigue and more.


  • Step 1: Stand in Mountain Pose with your feet hip distance apart, feet parallel to each other.  Stand away from your chair and desk. Contract your abdominal muscles, lift your chest up and relax your shoulders back and down.  Be tall and lifted.  Turn your palms to face forward, drawing your shoulders back a bit more.  Close your eyes.
  • Step 2: Exhale your breath all the way out.  As you inhale, sweep your arms up toward the sky.  Lengthen your spine and ribcage.  Look up if it’s okay for your neck.  Keep your abdominals contracted, tailbone tucked slightly. Continue to sweep your arms up until palms are touching.  As you exhale, turn your palms down and bring your arms back down by your sides, turning your eyes forward again.
  • Step 3: Repeat 3-5 times.  When you are finished, stand in Mountain Pose for a moment, take a few breaths, then open your eyes and return to work.