March 2021


3 Ways to Start Prioritizing Your Health

It’s been a year now that we’ve been living in a pandemic world.

People are now experiencing more stress than ever as they try to navigate these uncertain times.

As stress rises, it becomes more difficult to consistently prioritize our health.

While we are constantly bombarded with new tasks and mounting pressures in our lives, we slowly forget how important it is to make our physical and mental health a priority.

Here are three ways to help you get back on track and adopt a more sustainable approach to healthy living.

1. Have a Plan

Benjamin Franklin once said, “ If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”

It’s much easier to stick to new habits and achieve your goals when you know exactly where you are heading.

Having a detailed plan will allow you to identify your progress and keep you motivated throughout your journey.

Make sure your plan is clear, concise, and realistic.

You should focus on the SMART acronym while creating a plan for yourself.

A) Specific

Your goals should be clear and simple.

B) Measurable

Make sure you have a way of tracking your progress with each goal.

C) Achievable

Choose goals that are challenging, yet attainable.

Setting realistic goals will allow you to overcome times in which you are lacking motivation.

D) Relevant

Choose goals that are truly important to you.

E) Time-based

Every goal needs a deadline.

Without a target date, your goals will easily fall to the side when your other priorities take over.

2. Focus your Energy

The last thing you want while trying to make healthy changes in your life is creating more stress for yourself.

That is why focusing on one or two goals at a time is always more manageable than attempting to achieve many goals at once.

You want to put yourself in a position of growth without making yourself feel overwhelmed.

This will allow you to better adhere to your plan.

3. Get to Know Yourself Better

Getting to know yourself better is by far the most important undertaking.

When you are aware of your triggers, you will have more success navigating hardships and taking control of your goals.

Identifying your weaknesses will allow you to understand yourself better.

This will encourage you to take the necessary steps to work on your shortcomings.

Knowing your strengths is equally as important.

You will be more likely to achieve your desired results when you maximize your strengths and align your habits with your goals.

Making your health a priority is something we all need to strive for.

If you really want to be successful, create a well-detailed plan, focus on one or two goals at a time, and make it a point to understand yourself better.

Creating a healthier lifestyle for yourself does not need to be complicated.


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Easy Hip Stretch


Releases tension in hips, buttocks and legs, increases circulation to lower body, including hips, thighs and buttocks, provides a deep stretch to hips, improves sex drive and fertility (in women) and more.


Step 1: Sit slightly forward on your chair, legs at a 90° angle, feet flat on the floor.  Contract your abdominal muscles, roll your shoulders back and down, and lift your chest up.

Step 2: Place your right ankle on top of your left knee and let your right knee relax out to the side.

Step 3: As you inhale, sit up tall and as you exhale, enjoy the stretch.  To go deeper, try Seated Hip Stretch.

Step 4: Stay for 3-5 breaths.  To come out, release your right foot back to the floor.  Repeat on the other side.


Spicy Avocado Wraps


0.5 x 300g pack Quorn chicken-style pieces (or similar vegetarian product), sliced at an angle
generous squeeze juice 0.5 lime
½ tsp mild chilli powder
1 garlic clove, chopped
1 tsp olive oil
2 seeded wraps
1 avocado, halved and stoned
1 roasted red pepper, from a jar
Few sprigs coriander, chopped
1 teaspoon salt, or more/less to taste

Optional garnishes: chopped fresh cilantro, diced avocado, diced red onion, shredded cheese, sour cream, tortilla strips/chips


Step 1

Mix the vegetarian, chicken-style pieces with the lime juice, chili powder and garlic.

Step 2

Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan then fry the pieces for a couple of mins, while you warm the wraps following the pack instructions or if you have a gas hob, heat them over the flame to slightly char them.

Do not let them dry out or they are difficult to roll.

Step 3

Squash half an avocado onto each wrap, add the peppers to the pan to warm them through then pile onto the wraps with the chicken-style pieces, and sprinkle over the coriander.

Roll up, cut in half and eat with your fingers.

Source: BBC Good Food


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What is Virtual Corporate Yoga anyway?

Check out our new Explainer video!

Virtual Private Yoga for Busy Professionals

for 1-2 people

Experience yoga in a virtual private setting.

Sessions are customized to meet your needs & goals.

Each yoga session is live & interactive.

Contact us to book.

Virtual Team Trivia

Help your team beat the WFH blahs with our Virtual Team Trivia!

Let our experienced host guide your team through an interactive & personalized online trivia game.

The Innergy team experienced this trivia session ourselves at our Christmas 2020 virtual party and it was so much fun!

Prizes can be added for a more rewarding experience.

Contact us to book – spots are limited!

Start a Virtual Yoga class with your Office Team 

Thanks to the magic of virtual meeting programs like Zoom, we offer corporate, group & private yoga sessions from the comfort of your own home.

Book your FREE virtual consultation today.

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Want to teach virtual yoga to corporate, group & private clients?

If you live in Canada or the USA and are looking for opportunities to teach yoga, please fill out an application form.

We would love to show you how to set your own teaching schedule, build a residual income stream and be your own boss!

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