July 2021


5 Tips to Stay Fit this Summer

It’s July already!

The warmer weather and Covid-19 may have changed your summer workout plan but we have some tips to share on how to keep movement and mindfulness in your summer schedule. 

The longer days sometimes mean after work patio drinks or even trips to the beach when you would have normally set aside time for your indoor workout or yoga practice.

We suggest a few ideas to help keep your fitness on track over the summer months.

1. Mini Workouts

If you are missing your daily sweat session because of summer plans, try adding movement throughout the day instead. Squats as you wait in line at the grocery store or maybe a quick walk around the block before the sun gets too hot.

Adding small intervals of exercise will be easier to manage than stressing over your hour gymtime that might not fit when you are at the lake or cottage.

Keeping movement in your day will help get your body and mind healthy and you might even surprise yourself with new ways you can find to keep active.

2. Switch up your workout goals

With the options of getting up with the sun or out late for a sunset cruise, your workout goals may have to shift with the season.

Setting the right kind of goal is key. One that is too lofty has the potential to have the opposite effect, leaving us discouraged and preventing us from sticking with it. Choose goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound.

This might mean your goals may change week to week and you may even set goals to slowly bring you back to your regular workout goals as summer progresses into fall.

3. Alternative Workout

Planning an after work yoga session but opt for an after work ice cream instead? That’s ok, make a deal with yourself to keep moving in some way. Grab that ice cream and do a few laps around the lake, or jump in a paddle boat for a different view that still includes some exercise.

Add the stairs as you return to your building or lay out your yoga mat for a late night yin session. Your work plans can be ever changing but just keeping this in mind will help you get it done and enjoy what summer has to offer.

4. Skipping a Workout

Some days we sleep in, we get stuck in traffic, or we lose track of time and that leads to a missed workout. Other days we listen to our body and decide what’s right for it on that day. When thoses days show up, own them. There will be another time to fit it in.

To prevent missing that workout, you can pack your gym bag and leave it by the door or get dressed first thing for your workout. These little actions can help you follow through on your plans to work out.

5. Take Advantage of Your Corporate Wellness Benefits

Check out what your company offers for yoga and fitness programs. These are often free, on company time and as short as 15 or 30 minutes. You’ll be fitting in a yoga class or meditation sooner than you think!

To learn more about a Corporate Wellness program and how it can benefit your workplace, click here.



Spotlight on Wellness

Welcome to Innergy Corporate Yoga’s new Interview Series: Spotlight on Wellness.

Each month we’ll share what top Human Resource and Technology leaders from US & Canadian companies are doing to take care of business, themselves and their teams.

#1 Name: Jad Esber – Founder
Company: Koodos – Boston, MA
Website: www.koodos.com
# of Staff: 7
How long with company? 1 year

1) How and why is employee wellness important to your company?

“Employee Wellness is very important to the team; I always try to be on top of my game to be more productive. I also try to make sure that everyone can unplug from time to time and find a balance of work and play time.”

2) How and why is saving money important to you and your company?

“Saving money is very important to our company but it’s not the only thing that matters. We’re still in the early stages of our business so we do watch what we spend and we try to save money where we can.”

3) What wellness programs or resources do you currently offer your staff?

“Our team organizes YouTube play lists for things like exercise, home workouts, meditations, etc. They organize a lot of group zoom workouts which is great.”

4) What obstacles and challenges are you still working on?

“We try to not be overloaded and online all the time. We are really making an effort to disconnect from work and our devices.”

5) In your opinion, what is the one thing many people in your position might miss?

“I think a lot of people might missing being intentional when it comes to their own personal wellness. We need to have conversations about how people are feeling. A lot of teams are smaller and are working very hard – like ours. We’re so focused on growth that we can’t forget to take time for wellness needs too – that has to be intentional.”

#2 Name: Spencer Horne – Digital Growth Associate
Insider – Denver, CO
# of Staff:
How long with company?
6 months

1) How have you and your team been affected by COVID-19?

“When we all started working from home people had too much time on their hands. The team maybe didn’t feel as productive as before. I also felt that way at the beginning and I needed to stay busy. Now I appreciate things more. Meditation has helped me to not be overwhelmed by normal day to day activities. Everything was weighing heavy on me. Now I can focus and breathe and just realize that everything will eventually pass. I have a strong sense of calm, I’m more productive and I’m often in a better mood.”

2) What wellness programs or resources do you currently have at your company?

“We get things like unlimited paid time off. About a month ago a team member led a course to everyone on meditation and mindfulness – someone who works with us who is a yoga teacher. Every week we host a culture presentation from a different part of the world. This week was South America, specifically Colombia. I myself meditate every day for about 15 minutes. When I first started meditating it was a chore but not now. I recently put a sauna in my home and I use it everyday. I play tennis, volleyball and Brazilian jiu jitsu. I exercise every single day.”

3) In your opinion, what is the one thing that many people in your position might miss?

“My advice would be to write down your priorities on paper and put them in front of you all the time. It’s easy to get caught up in all the busyness. My top priorities are family, work, wellness and friends/a social life. Do things that are fun for wellness. Cut out the things you’re not getting anything out of like social media. Focus on things that are fun. Life is good. Take a deep breath and find your calm place. Form new habits and stick to them. It’s easy to start something like meditation but it takes work to stick to it.”

#3 Name: Greg McNee – VP Customer Experience
Smart Technology – Seattle, WA
# of Staff:
How long with company?
10 years

1) How have you & your team been affected by COVID-19?

“We’re having fewer organic conversations. From a mental perspective we have a good system in place though. We’re very flexible with people.”

2) What wellness programs or resources do you currently offer your staff?

“Before covid we had company paid yoga on-site every Wednesday. It was a nice break and a way to focus. Yoga supported everyone’s mental and physical well- being. Four years ago the company bought everyone a fitbit and we then used them to have a challenge. Activities like yoga bring people together and boost team spirit.”

3) What obstacles and challenges are you still working on?

“Mainly keeping staff up to date on covid at the moment and when everyone might be returning to the office.”

4) In your opinion, what is the one thing or secret sauce that many people in
your position might miss?

“Listen to your employees, listen with empathy. There are so many challenges right now. People have lost family members due to COVID-19.”

Crystal ball: What does YOUR next level of success look like in this arena?

“We want to have a greater spotlight on mental illness and have more support for this. There is much more that we can do and people need our support.”

#4 Name: Jyotin Gambhir – Owner
Company: SecureFlo – Boston, MA
Website: https://secureflo.net/
# of Staff: 5
How long with company? 10 years

1) How important is employee wellness to your company?

“Wellness is important to me and to the company. Being healthy and well allows people to focus more on their work and get more work done. I myself meditate twice a day every day and I’ve done that for the last 20 years. I miss the odd time due to work travel, but otherwise I’m pretty consistent. Meditation helps to calm me, I have a much clearer thought process and I experience peace of mind. When I was younger and before I had a meditation practice I was more impulsive,
reactive and more prone to anger. Meditation has given me a real sense of calm and I’m a better listener as an employer.”

2) How have you and your team been affected by COVID-19 in the last year?

“My friends and family have been affected by this pandemic. They have been distracted more. Our team has always done video meetings but now we do online video meetings more than ever. We’re being more conservative this year because of everything, but we do have more clients in 2021, which is great.”

3) What wellness programs do you offer your team?

“We offer our team health care benefits, trainings, discounts to an insurance company, discounts on gym memberships and other wellness programs.”

4) In your opinion, what is the one thing that many people in your position might miss?

“I really think the one thing a lot of people miss is the wellness piece. When you are healthy and well, you’re more satisfied. Employees feel like they’re more a part of the company when they do things together, especially a smaller company like ours.”

5) What does YOUR next level of success look like in the wellness arena?

“Our next step is to partner with a health care provider that manages benefits, dental, etc. We want to offer more discounts or savings on things like a gym membership, pass to a yoga studio, etc.”

#5 Name: David Jitendranath – Owner
Modestack – Denver, CO
# of Staff: 25
How long with company? 16 years

1) How and why is employee wellness important to your company?

“Wellness is very important, but we’re a startup company at the moment so we don’t have the luxury of time to spend on wellness just yet.”

2) What free wellness programs or resources do you currently offer your staff?

“Nothing yet at the moment but I myself have an interest in staying healthy and fit. I go to the gym and do cross fit, among other things. For my staff, I would rather give them the money that they can use toward their own wellness.”

3) In your opinion, what is the one thing that many people in your position might miss?

“To keep in mind that wellness is really important to millennials. You want to orient your company to attract the right talent.”


No Events are scheduled for July. Check back in August.

Find more information on our Facebook page.


Butterfly Legs


Opens and stretches hips, relieves tired or cramped legs or feet, relieves mild backache, helps lymphatic fluid circulate through the body, increases circulation to pelvic region (which raises libido, can regulate irregular menstruation and aid in digestion), promotes a deep sense of relaxation, helps improve varicose veins and helps with insomnia, depression and anxiety.


Step 1: Remove your shoes and socks if possible.

Step 2:  Start in Legs Up the WallSit on the floor with either your left or right hip flush to the wall, legs straight.  As you lie down on your back, straighten your legs up the wall and press your buttocks as close to the wall as you can. If needed, lie on a yoga mat, blanket or towel for extra cushioning.

Step 3: Place your arms at a 45 degree angle away from your body, palms facing upward.

Step 4: Close your eyes and completely relax, sinking into the floor.

Step 5: Then, bring the soles of your feet together, and allow your knees to open out to the sides.  Let your knees relax and feel your hips opening.  Stay here for 5-10 breaths or more.

Step 6: To come out, straighten your legs back up the wall, then bring your knees into your chest.  Roll to one side and push yourself up to a seated position.


Vegan Lemon Cake


100ml vegetable oil, plus extra for the tin
275g self-raising flour
200g golden caster sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 lemon, zested, 1/2 juiced

For the icing

150g icing sugar
½ lemon, juiced


Step 1

Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Oil a 1lb loaf tin and line it with baking parchment. Mix the flour, sugar, baking powder and lemon zest in a bowl. Add the oil, lemon juice and 170ml cold water, then mix until smooth.

Step 2

Pour the mixture into the tin. Bake for 30 mins or until a skewer comes out clean. Cool in the tin for 10 mins, then remove and transfer the cake to a wire rack to cool fully.

Step 3

For the icing, sieve the icing sugar into a bowl. Mix in just enough lemon juice to make an icing thick enough to pour over the loaf (if you make the icing too thin, it will just run off the cake).

Source: BBC Good Food


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