Greetings Yogis!

2. Time it Wisely. Beat the heat by practicing early in the morning or later in the evening when temperatures are cooler. If midday is your only option, seek shade under a tree or use a sunshade to protect yourself from direct sunlight.
3. Prepare Your Gear. Bring a yoga mat or a lightweight travel mat to provide stability and cushioning on uneven surfaces. Consider packing a yoga towel for sweat absorption and a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated throughout your practice.
5. Mindful Warm-Up. Start with gentle movements and breathing exercises to acclimate your body to the outdoor environment. Focus on grounding poses like Mountain Pose (Tadasana) to connect with the earth beneath you.
7. Stay Present. Engage your senses during your practice—listen to the sounds of nature, feel the warmth of the sun or breeze on your skin, and appreciate the natural beauty surrounding you. Allow yourself to be fully present in each pose and breath.
9. Respect Nature. Practice environmental mindfulness by leaving no trace—dispose of waste properly and avoid disturbing local wildlife. Let’s contribute to the preservation of our outdoor spaces for everyone to enjoy.
Avoid practicing directly in sunlight to prevent sunburn, heat stroke, or headaches. Opt for shaded areas to stay protected. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, especially when practicing outdoors. In parks, apply mosquito repellent to ward off bugs.
Yoga in the Park
Grassy areas provide an ideal setting for adventurous yoga, including balancing poses like standing balances, handstands, and forearm balances. Embrace the challenge of uneven ground, utilizing trees for support in poses such as Urdhva Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand) and Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Balance). The soft grass cushions falls and offers a comforting alternative to hard studio floors.
Yoga on the Beach
While sand may end up everywhere, practicing yoga on the beach offers a solid foundation for static poses held over time. Avoid Sun Salutations due to sand disturbance, focusing instead on standing poses suitable for beach conditions. Advanced yogis can explore freestanding Sirsasana (Headstand) and experimenting with Drop backs on the dune slopes for added challenge and stability.
Join Us! Discover the joy of practicing yoga amidst the beauty of summer.
Share your outdoor yoga adventures with us on social media using #OutdoorYogaJoyWithInnergy.
Stay tuned for more tips, inspiration, and community updates in our next newsletter!