An average office worker can spend up to 8 hours a day sitting at their desk.

The CCOHS stresses the dangers of sedentary work and explains how sitting down actually places a great deal of strain and pressure on the body.

This can lead to a number of serious health complications including heart disease, diabetes, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

Ergonomic seating can help to vastly reduce the stress placed on your body by providing proper support and improved comfort.

As awareness of workplace health and safety grows, ergonomic chairs are no longer a luxury item, but a necessity for an employee’s overall health and well-being.

Here’s why you should upgrade the chairs in your workplace as soon as possible:

Reduces body pain

Lower back pain is the world’s most common cause of absence from work according to 2020 research from ATM. Ergonomic chairs commonly feature a backrest that has been designed to support the natural curvature of your spine. Their backrests are also taller to provide support for the entire back, even for taller-than-average employees.

Office workers also commonly complain of stiffness in the neck and shoulder region. Ergonomic chairs also address this with a headrest that produces support for the head and neck.

Boosts productivity

Less body pain and comfortable chairs allow employees to focus more on the work in front of them. PainFreeWorking highlights how ergonomic chairs boost productivity by decreasing the risk of injuries and complications from bad seated body posture. This means fewer chances of calling in sick, or being distracted and fatigued while at work.

A matrix of pixels on the seat and backrest allows ergonomic chairs to conform to the body as employees move around and adjust their seating throughout the day. The addition of this movement removes the risk of static postures and also keeps energy levels up, improving focus and performance.

Increases motivation

Aside from improving the office environment, ergonomic chairs improve job satisfaction and increase motivation among employees. Modern ergonomic chairs can be adjusted to each individual’s comfort level, promoting the image of a modern workplace where individuality is respected and encouraged.

The upgrade allows employees to believe that the management cares for their well-being and that their health is considered a priority. Our previous article on the Benefits Of Ergonomics In Your Workplace explains how an employee who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.

Promotes better posture

Ergonomic chairs promote a sitting posture that allows proper alignment of the shoulders, hips, and spine. Here, your spine elongates and becomes less strained, allowing your back to be in a natural “S” shape.

That being said, employees need to know how to be ergonomic to reap the benefits of an ergonomic chair. 2021 research in the IJERPH highlights how workplace interventions, such as ergonomic posture training sessions, significantly improve lower back pain, disability, and quality of life in workers. Here, management can teach employees how to adjust the height and armrests of the ergonomic chair, so that feet rest flat on the floor and arms gently rest with relaxed shoulders.

To maximize these benefits, companies can additionally invest in other workplace interventions such as physical activity sessions. Our Corporate Yoga classes are perfect for employees of all activity levels and are a fun way to de-stress with co-workers. These will guarantee a workplace of healthier and happier employees.

Authored by: Jena Blake