Stress is a natural part of our every days lives and is often unavoidable.

However, managing stress is actually much easier than you think. once you understand it.

Here are 5 of our 10 tips on managing stress that we’ve taken directly from our “Stress Management” seminar, which we deliver to businesses across Canada & the USA every week, both virtually and onsite.

1)  Follow a Daily Routine 

•Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day
•Eat meals at the same time

•Set a time to walk or do yoga

2) Practice Deep Breathing

Learn how to switch from shallow, upper chest breathing to deep belly breathing for optimum energy levels and lower stress.

3) Spend Time in Nature

•Walking or hiking
•Going to a Park
•Outdoor sports
•Forest Bathing (it’s called Shinrin-yoku)
•Grounding or Earthing

4) Make Time for Family & Friends

•Set clear boundaries between your work-day & family life, especially if you’re working from home.
•If you have young children, make dinner with them, go for a walk in nature or cuddle & read stories with them at bedtime.

•And don’t forget to schedule in a non-negotiable date night at least once a month with your partner – weekly if possible.

5) Get Support

When friends & family aren’t enough, seek out professional help from a counselor, therapist or other trusted medical professional.

Life isn’t easy these days so don’t be afraid to ask for help!


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