Amazon employees practicing yogaApril showers bring May flowers – so goes the saying. 

The end of April also brings about the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Month, providing an opportunity for reflection and collective action to support each other through difficult times.

Mental health impacts everyone differently. May 2-8 is Mental Health Week in Canada and in the US, May is Mental Health Month.

At Innergy Corporate Yoga, we want to take this month to provide some tools to help you understand how to be a mental health ally for yourself, your colleagues and your loved ones.

1) Listen, Be Patient and Share Your Story

Mental health is often an undiscussed topic with a large amount of stigma around it, so individuals who experience mental health conditions may be hesitant to disclose their mental health status with others. As an ally, listen carefully to understand, and always remain patient when someone is confiding in you. Creating awareness is essential in helping to break the stigma around mental health. If you are living with mental health conditions, and are comfortable sharing your story, you too can be an ally. Mental Health conditions do not equal weakness. When we create a community where there is comfort in sharing our stories of hardship, we build strength in collective understanding.

2) Practice Kindness

First, be kind to yourself. “To love oneself,” wrote Oscar Wilde, “is the beginning of a life-long-romance.” Self-kindness includes treating oneself with kindness and care, like we would treat a dear friend. Practicing self-kindness can set the stage for better health, relationships, and overall well-being.

Secondly, be kind to others. Research indicates that those who consistently help other people experience less depression, greater calm, fewer pains and better health.

“Practicing acts of kindness may seem like little things, but they go a long way to making sure that you and your peers feel better about their lives and more hopeful about the future”. Check out 21 ways to get started on practicing kindness.

Image3) Don’t Forget To Play

In our hectic, modern lives, many of us focus heavily on work and family commitments that we sometimes forget to have time for pure fun. Play is not just essential for kids, it can be an important source of relaxation and connection for adults as well.

When we have fun, our body produces feel-good hormones that are critical to a healthy mind and body. Fun is a central component of happiness and your mental health & well-being. Whether it’s getting outside in nature, taking a laughter yoga class, learning something new, playing a board game or calling a loved one, doing more of what brings you joy can boost your mood and give you exciting things to look forward to every day. What are some fun things that bring you joy?

4) Educate Yourself and Those Around You

It’s important to understand that mental health takes its shape in many different forms. Learning more about the variety of mental health conditions, and how they can affect individuals differently is a key part of becoming an ally. Education is the first of many steps in breaking barriers around mental health, but an important step to start with. There are several reputable resources you can access for information.

5) Take Up a Relaxation Practice

Yoga, mindfulness, meditation and deep breathing can help reduce overall levels of stress and positively impact your overall health and happiness. The good news is that in today’s technologically social world, you can choose your own adventure! It is possible to practice yoga online, listen to a meditation podcast while commuting to work or participate in physical activities like educational lunch & learns.

In the spirit of Mental Health awareness, we hope these 5 tips inspire you to continue to create a safe space for your employees and fellow colleagues to just connect, laugh & be real.