Want to fly like Superman?

We all want to feel like a superhero – full of confidence, fearless and ready to take on any challenge.

So let’s do that!

This simple “Superhero Yoga at your Desk” routine will take you less than 5 minutes and all you need is a chair.


Step 1: Shoulder Rolls
(or Loosening up to be a Superhero pose)
1 minute

Sit slightly forward in your chair, feet flat on the floor, legs at a 90 degree angle. Contract your abdominal muscles slightly, lift up through your chest and lengthen your spine.  Drop your shoulders down your back. Place your hands on your thighs.  As you inhale, squeeze your shoulders up to your ears, and as you exhale, drop them down and let your head relax.  Open your mouth on your exhale, and let your breath go with an audible “sigh” to release tension. Repeat 3-5 times, then roll your shoulders up, back and down to finish.

Step 2: Chest Opener
(or “Preparing your Superhero Muscles Pose”)
1 minute

Sit slightly forward on your chair, legs at a 90° angle, feet flat on the floor. Reach behind you and grab onto the back of your chair with both hands, near the bottom of the chair backing.  Your hands should wrap around to the back of the chair. Contract your abdominal muscles slightly, then take a deep breath in and lengthen your spine, allowing your shoulders to roll back and down.  As you exhale, press your chest forward and upward, allowing your arms to straighten and stretch.  Look upward if it’s okay for your neck.  Close your eyes.  Press forward as much as you can without straining. Breathe in and out 3-5 times, then return to starting position.  Repeat if desired.  Sit quietly for a moment with eyes closed to finish.

Step 3: Warrior 3 Pose (Or “Lift off and Fly, you’re a Superhero!” pose)
1 minute each side

Remove your socks and shoes if possible.  Stand in Mountain Pose for a moment, with your feet hip distance apart, feet parallel to each other.  Stand away from your chair and desk. Contract your abdominal muscles, lift your chest up and relax your shoulders back and down.  Be tall and lifted.  Turn your palms to face forward, drawing your shoulders back a bit more.  Find a focal point with your eyes.  Shift your weight into your right foot and contract your abdominal muscles.  As you inhale, sweep your arms up to the ceiling, reaching straight overhead, palms facing each other.  As you exhale, lift your left toes off the floor behind you slightly.  Start to tilt slightly forward, keeping your spine straight.  Allow your focal point to shift to the floor as necessary.  Soften your right knee slightly so that you don’t “lock” it. Stay here if this is enough for you.  Otherwise, lift your left leg higher up, and hinge forward more from your hips, bringing your body parallel to the floor.  To keep your hips level, internally rotate your left thigh toward the ground. Reach out through your fingers and reach back through your left foot at the same time.  Keep your belly pulled in.  Breathe deeply, staying here for 3-5 breaths. To come out, as you inhale, rise up tall, and place your left foot back on the floor.  As you exhale, lower both arms down to your sides. Repeat on the other side, then stand tall in Mountain Pose again for a few moments, breathing deeply.