So far our spring has been a little grayer than we would like, leaving most of us wondering when that glorious glowing orb in the sky plans on showing us its warm face. The upside is that on days like today, when the sun does grace us with its presence, we are so much more appreciative of its rays. We yogis are fortunate enough to have a tangible, structured way to use our bodies, minds and breath to honor the sun – and hopefully encourage it to join us more often!

Why do we salute the sun? The sun is the giver of life, providing us with everything we need – food, warmth, vitamin D, and a rockin’ tan. Symbolically, light represents consciousness and self-illuminations, and saluting the sun is a way of gathering those qualities so that we may embody them. Physically sun salutations provide a mindful, gentle and complete way to prepare the body for the rest of your yoga practice.

Sun Salutations generally start and end in tadasana, or mountain pose, helping to cultivate a sense of grounding and strength drawn from the sun’s energy. Each breath initiates a new movement, fostering conscious connection with breath. The preference is to perform sun salutations on an empty stomach, and ideally around sun rise – though the effects will be beneficial however you can fit the practice into your life.

Although Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutations, vary widely from yoga tradition to yoga tradition, the important piece is – as always – the underlying intention. Practice whichever form of sun salutation feels best in your body, and hold in your mind a quality of gratitude and reverence towards whatever most resonates with you. If you are just starting your practice, Shiva Rea does a beautiful sequence that you can follow along here.