Pasadena Corporate Yoga & Private Yoga

Pasadena Corporate Yoga

At Innergy, we provide Pasadena Corporate Yoga sessions to a wide variety of different organizations in and industries.

Employees as well as the organizations they work for love the stress relief, increased productivity, and overall health benefits that Corporate Yoga sessions deliver.

Corporate Yoga sessions help improve focus and concentration, which leads to people producing better work and enjoying their jobs more.

Plus, yoga leads to greater overall health, which means employees will take fewer sick days, resulting in fewer work disruptions.

Plus, it reduces health care costs for the organization.

Offering Corporate Yoga makes an organization a more desirable place to work, which helps with attracting new talent as well as retaining existing staff members.

At Innergy Corporate Yoga, we provide high quality, safe, and enjoyable yoga sessions.

All of our yoga teachers are certified, all carry liability insurance, and all are current in first aid and CPR.

Pasadena Private Yoga Classes

Innergy also provides Private Yoga sessions that take place right in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Rather than deal with the stress, inconvenience, and awkwardness that can come with finding a studio and a teacher, trust Innergy’s Pasadena Private Yoga teachers to come right to you instead!

We have the skill and experience needed to bring all the benefits of yoga right to your own home.

Taking yoga improves strength and flexibility.

It also reduces stress, improves posture, and leads to greater overall health.

When you take part in Pasadena Private Yoga sessions, you’ll experience these benefits in the stress-free, comfortable environment that is your own home.

Our teachers work on your schedule, coming to you when you’re available and making taking yoga as simple and convenient as possible.

About our Pasadena Corporate Yoga & Private Yoga Services

Innergy Corporate Yoga started in 2004 as a mobile yoga studio with just a single teacher.

Since then, we have grown into a Private Yoga, Corporate Yoga, and Pilates company that works with companies and individuals throughout Pasadena across North America.

Trust Innergy’s experienced teachers to bring the benefits of yoga right to you!

If you have any questions about our Pasadena corporate yoga or private yoga services, please feel free to contact us today.