Bellevue Corporate Yoga & Private Yoga

Bellevue Corporate Yoga Sessions

At Innergy, it is our goal to bring all the incredible benefits of yoga directly to you.

That’s why our virtual & in-person Corporate Yoga sessions are such a big hit with organizations of all types and sizes.

Offering Corporate Yoga at your company keeps your staff healthy, happy, and relaxed.

Employees who take part in Corporate Yoga have lower stress levels, improved memory, greater focus, and more energy.

They enjoy their jobs more and are able to better concentrate on their work, making them more productive.

Corporate Yoga makes organizations more competitive for talent, which means higher employee job satisfaction, lower rates of absence, reduced turnover, and much more.

Plus, employees who take Corporate Yoga have greater overall health, so they take fewer sick days and cost the organization less in health care costs and lost productivity.

Companies that offer virtual Corporate Yoga are more appealing to those looking for work and their better able to retain talent.

Organizations of all sizes can benefit from the Bellevue Corporate Yoga sessions provided by Innergy.

Bellevue Private Yoga Sessions

We also offer Bellevue Private Yoga, eliminating the stress and inconvenience that can come with having to find a yoga studio and fight traffic and crowds to get there.

Instead of taking yoga in a crowded room of strangers, have our professional yoga teachers come right to your very own home or meet you online with our Private Yoga sessions.

Our dedicated and knowledgeable teachers work to create sessions specifically geared towards your fitness level, body type, experience level, and personal health goals.

Taking yoga at home leads to increased flexibility and strength, lower stress levels, greater overall health, and much more.

Bellevue Private Yoga & Corporate Yoga from Innergy

Founded in 2004, Innergy Corporate Yoga grew from a single teacher with a mobile yoga studio into a successful Private Yoga, Corporate Yoga, and Pilates company.

We now work with companies and individuals in Bellevue and across North America.

All of our dedicated and experienced yoga teachers are certified by a recognized organization, all carry liability insurance, and all are current in all first aid and CPR training.

If you have any questions about our Bellevue Corporate Yoga services or Private Yoga sessions, please feel free to contact us today.