Compared to a few years ago when the onus to be healthy was placed on employees, the current working landscape understands that employers hold an equal–if not larger–wellness responsibility.

On average, an employed American adult works over 36 hours weekly, which is higher than in other developed countries. Consequently, many workers find themselves too busy to pursue personal endeavors outside of work, like health and fitness.

A report on work-life balance from Voice of America even reveals that over half of all employed respondents would be willing to take a pay cut of up to 20% just for a better quality of life. Similarly, surveys note that a growing number of applicants expect wellness programs from companies. As a result, a lot of talent is inclined not to work for a company, regardless of their bottom line, if they don’t offer relevant health benefits.

This underscores the importance of ethical office leaders providing health-focused initiatives for workers who may otherwise lack the resources to pursue them independently. Among the various wellness offerings that employers can offer, a subscription to online yoga is perhaps the most promising. With professional and personal benefits that will be valuable to both employers and employees alike, subscription yoga is an effort that’s actually worth it. Here’s why:

Fosters a healthy workplace morale

Workplace morale is not something that any office should overlook. When employees are stressed, unhappy, and dissatisfied, it leaves room for errors. This is only further compounded when workers feel physically unwell.

This is where corporate yoga comes in.

As explained in our previous post entitled 5 Surprising Benefits of Having a Corporate Yoga Program at your Workplace, because yoga targets the body and the mind, it can encourage holistic improvements that directly relate to morale. For example, because yoga teaches you how to focus and center your thoughts and feelings, it can lower instances of aggression and hostility between co-workers. This can lead to more effective collaborations.

Additionally, since yoga can improve immunity, it can help reduce absenteeism, which can hurt office productivity. On top of these, because your employees will see that you’ve actually offered a nuanced wellness program, it will help create feelings of trust and loyalty.

This is also why we at Innergy offer virtual small-group yoga classes so the entire team can practice and bond together.

Costs are more economical

A big hurdle that many companies face when trying to roll out a wellness program is costs. For smaller offices, in particular, shouldering the financial burden of a new health or fitness initiative not only puts a strain on budgets but also on the people who will have to oversee it. Thankfully, this is not a problem with a subscription yoga plan. In many cases, these offerings make use of simplified payment solutions, such as the enterprise subscription billing software at SOFTRAX.

Using this highly customizable payment platform, subscribers and online yoga providers can easily work together to create a long-term subscription agreement with automated recurring payments. This means that whoever is in charge of your office’s wellness program need not repeatedly crunch numbers or make manual payments.

Additionally, since this type of payment model includes automated invoice delivery, it’s easier for your internal finance team to stay updated on the latest facts and figures. Last but not least, since this type of billing model can be managed completely online, any add-ons, pauses, or extensions are much easier to roll out.

Logistically more convenient

Unsustainability is another pain point that many employee wellness plans face. On the employees’ side, some offerings are just too hard to access. This is particularly a struggle among those who may have scheduling or mobility issues. Meanwhile, for employers, the logistics of a wellness program can be hard to keep up with. For instance, if a team scales up, enrolling every new employee into the program can be time-consuming. Additionally, if an office has remote employees, it can be difficult to find them an equivalent wellness perk that their location allows them to make use of. Fortunately, accessibility and convenience are among the biggest perks of online yoga subscriptions.

For instance, on YouTube’s video-sharing platform, subscribers from anywhere in the world can access entire libraries of classes. Additionally, since many online yoga providers save their classes for subscribers, employees can more easily fit them into their routines. This ensures that employees are actually making use of your wellness offering, and you don’t have to worry about minding too many logistical considerations.

While employee preferences may change and employer responsibilities will continue to adapt, corporate well-being is a timeless investment. Moreover, by choosing an online yoga subscription to secure team wellness, leaders encourage a well-rounded approach to health that will be beneficial inside and outside of the workplace.

For more on corporate well-being and yoga, please visit the rest of the Innergy website here.