Our last (gasp!) long weekend of the summer is fast approaching and many people are getting ready to send summer out in style. For our corporate clients, Labour Day is especially pertinent as it was initiated as an opportunity for workers to campaign for better working conditions and pay. Employee rights have come a long way, and today we use labour day as an excuse to have a long weekend, take a late summer trip, or rest up at home with friends and family – and although the majority of us are incredibly content with our work situation, an extra bit of free time goes a long way! In the name of taking your yoga off your mat and into your life, how can you bring an element of gratitude into this long weekend? Direct your focus towards those gifts you may otherwise take for granted – maybe a coworker who brightens your day, a supportive supervisor, the fact that we no longer have to fight for basic rights in the workplace. And in order to stay mindful rather than letting the weekend speed by in a blur, can you consciously connect to how you choose to use this extra time? As we transition from summer to fall, it is easy to get caught up in how quickly the time has gone, but bring the focus back to your breath and this moment. Smile lots, laugh lots, and enjoy!