We’ve all said yes a few too many times and over committed to things. And we’ve all said no, then felt guilty and selfish. This holidaynostree season, why not strike a balance? But what does that even mean anyway? It means being honest and true to yourself, while doing your best not to hurt anyone’s feelings. It means setting boundaries to ensure you don’t get stressed out and making sure you cover the basics, like getting enough sleep so you can stay healthy.

And sometimes it means asking for help. Yes, it’s truly ok to ask for help.

Letting go and choosing to “do less” is one of the easiest ways to start putting this idea in motion. For example, you don’t have to prepare perfect canapes for those guests coming over. Pick up some food from the store, a few bottles of wine and choose to not feel guilty about this.  Better yet, ask your friends to bring an appetizer with them when they come over.

Buy fewer things from stores. Instead of buying everyone on your list a gift, make them something (something simple) – cookies, a homemade candle or soap, or give them your time and your friendship (babysit their kids for example, so they can finally go out on that long overdue date night.)

Another idea: Hire a cleaner.  This is huge. You do NOT have to spend so much time cleaning. You’d be surprised at how liberating it feels to have someone else clean your home for you.  And you know what, you’re empowering someone else by allowing THEM to earn an income, so they can support themselves and their family.  You get extra time to relax so it’s a win win.

So…this holiday season, choose to be mindful and attentive. When that little voice is whispering to you that you’re doing too much, listen. Find little ways that you can downsize, say No-No-No (instead of Ho-Ho-Ho) and take care of yourself.  The holidays were meant to be enjoyed!