Yes, the world has gone high-tech. And yes, texting neck (AKA “Anterior Head Syndrome”) is a real thing.

Hazard of textingIf we’re not on our computers or laptops, we’re on our ipads, ipods or another device for a good portion of the day. It can be difficult to unplug. And many of us text, because it’s a fast and easy way to get information to someone.

The problem comes when we are using these devices along with poor posture. It can wreak havoc on our bodies, leading to “texting neck”.

So how do we prevent this? One simple and easy thing to remember when you’re using your phone to text someone is to keep your head in line with your spine. As soon as your head juts forward (think “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”) it puts a tremendous amount of weight and pressure on your body, creating neck tension, alignment problems, headaches, difficulty breathing and much more. And that’s not good at all.

So if you must text, be smart about it.  Practice good posture, keep your spine straight and take regular breaks from any device.