As we get closer to Valentine’s Day, I wanted to write today about the power of love. Now I’m not just talking about love between two partners, but the energy of love in general. If lately you find yourself not getting what you want and your life isn’t going exactly as planned, you’ll want to keep reading.

Firstly, we are either in the energy of love or we’re in the energy of fear, or lack of love. There are no other choices – we’re either in one of these two energies at all times. You know when you’re in the energy of love because you feel happy, you’re appreciating people or things around you and you just feel really good. It’s usually quite effortless.

The energy of fear, or lack of love is not a fun place to hang out for very long. You’ll know when you’re there because you just don’t feel good. You will probably feel one of these emotions: depression, anger, frustration, lack (feeling like there’s not enough money, time, love, etc.),  jealousy, doubt, despair, guilt, etc. These are “icky” feelings and they can be hard to shake.

So although it’s great to celebrate love on Valentine’s Day, it’s important that we move into the energy of love and stay there as much as we can, every day. Being in this energy will bring us what we want, because we attract what we put out. Put out lack of love, get more back. Put out love, get more back.

Ok, so this is all great, but how do we do this? Well, the first step is to be aware. Be aware of how you are feeling. When you are feeling bad, you don’t have to walk around feeling that way, completely unaware that you can change how you are feeling just. Like. That. Yes, it really is that simple.

One very quick way to get into the energy of love that I find very helpful is to close my eyes (just not while driving) and immediately I imagine as many things as I can that I am grateful for. They could be as simple as your morning cup of coffee or as important as your family or good health. Whatever it is, I say to myself “Thank you for __________” or “I am grateful for ___________”. And I say these things until a shift happens. All of a sudden I start feeling the feeling of love. It just happens automatically. When you begin to think about loving your children, your house, your business, your friends, your health, your whatever, you are automatically taken right into those good feelings of abundance, gratitude, hope, prosperity and love.

Start doing this very simple exercise and you’ll see a massive shift in how you feel throughout the day. And you will start attracting more good things into your life.

One last tip: Smile often. Did you know that your brain doesn’t know the difference between a real smile and a fake smile? So when you least feel like smiling, that’s the best time to turn up the corners of your lips and …. smile! Your brain will know you’re smiling, it will say “Oh ok we need to be happy now” and then you will actually start to feel happy. Try it and see for yourself.

Happy Valentine’s Day. Now go radiate love!